Google Drive to MarkDown synchronization
WikiGDrive is a node app that uses the Google Drive API to transform Google Docs and Drawings into markdown.
Google Drive Notes | Github Project | Github Developer Notes
With a "Shared Drive" as the key, WikiGDrive:
- Reads all the files from a Google "Shared Drive"
- Builds a map of the driveId (URL) to the pathname in the "Shared Drive"
- For each Google Document:
- Converts to a Markdown file with the path (instead of the driveId for the file)
- Changes driveId to the path (eg: 12lvdxKgGsD.../edit would be changed to /filename
- Support diagrams as SVG (and map the URLs in the diagram)
WikiGDrive scans for changes in the drive and then refresh the local converted files.
Developer Documentation
Usage and options
Init workdir with (creates internal .wgd directory):
wikigdrive init --drive ""
--config /location/of/.wgd - Location of config file
--dest /location/of/downloaded/content - Destination for downloaded and converted markdown files
--client_id - ID of google app, alternatively can be passed in .env or through environment variable CLIENT_ID;
--client_secret - Secret of google app, alternatively can be passed in .env or through environment variable CLIENT_SECRET;
--link_mode - Style of internal markdown links
--link_mode mdURLs - `/`
--link_mode dirURLs - `/filename/`
--link_mode uglyURLs - `/filename.html` - see
List available drive ids that wikigdrive has access to on Google:
wikigdrive drives
Run one time documents pull
wikigdrive pull
Run server mode
wikigdrive server
Example usage with Hugo Generator
Install hugo
Create a New Site
hugo new site quickstart
- Add a Theme
cd quickstart
git init
git submodule add themes/ananke
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
- Install wikigdrive
npm i -g @mieweb/wikigdrive
- Sync GDrive
wikigdrive init --drive "" --dest ./content --link_mode uglyURLs
wikigdrive pull
Note that by default you need to use uglyURLs with Hugo.
- Generate HTML
or start server for development:
hugo server
Example usage with Hexo Generator
- Install hexo
npm i -g hexo-cli
- Create a New Site
hexo init quickstart
- Add a Theme
By default, hexo installs landscape
theme. If you need another one check hexo themes
- Install wikigdrive
npm i -g @mieweb/wikigdrive
- Sync GDrive
wikigdrive init --drive "" --dest ./source --link_mode uglyURLs
wikigdrive pull
- Generate HTML
hexo generate
or start server for development:
hexo serve
There are two methods: individual credentials or a service account.
Note: If the authentication is successful, but the account does not have access to documents in gdrive, there is currently no way to know if the directory is empty or just not possible to see.